NU 211 :


Faculty of Nursing

Academic Program

Bachelor in Science in Nursing






NU 113


The course focuses on the care of childbearing women through stages of pregnancy as well as the first six weeks after birth. It also includes the care of a normal newborn and its priority needs.

Utilizing the nursing process will further equip the students with the necessary skills, knowledge and proper attitude as well as values on health promotion, and identification of risks factors and proper management of normal pregnancy, pregnancy at risk and Normal newborn.

Intended learning outcomes

Knowledge and understanding:

1- Review and discuss human reproductive system ; male and female

2- Understand the physiology of menstruation.

3- Explain ovulation , fertilization, and implantation process; fetal development .

4- Discuss the normal delivery process and the immediate newborn care.

Mental skills:

1- Knowledgeable on the parts and functions of the male and female reproductive system.

2- Smartly identify the physiology of menstruation in relation to pregnancy.

3- Differentiate the fetal milestone including ovulation, fertilization, and implantation.

4- Determine the stages of labor and delivery; mechanisms of labor.

5- Discuss principles of immediate care of and proper APGAR scoring.

Scientific and professional skills:

1- Assess and demonstrate the different bodily positions and anatomical directions.

2- Calculate the EDC and AOG,

3- Use appropriate communication skills in history taking.

4- Film showing of fertilization and implantation , Illustrate cell changes during ovulation, fertilization, and implantation.

5- Demonstrate Leopold’s maneuver, showing the different calculations using naegel’s rule, Mc Donald’s rule.

General skills

1- Integrate the concepts learned through the nursing process in the care of mother and Child

2- Apply essential skills in determining AOG with the different ways.

3- Utilize stock knowledge in the milestone of fetal development..

4- Communicate effectively normal findings and deviations of findings during labor and delivery.

Teaching and learning methods

1- Lecture

2 -discussion

4. Laboratory Exercises

Methods of assessments

• Midterm exam 30%.

• Practical Exam 12%

• Final exam 50%.

• Assignments/HWs/Quizzes 8%.

Course Outline

Overview of the reproductive system

Anatomy of the breast and pelvis

Physiology and phases of menstrual cycle

Component of human sexuality;gender and role identity

Developmental Stage across life span and Nursing process

Developmental Milestones of Fetal Growth and development

Leopold’s Maneuver: principles,steps,demonstration

Normal Pregnancy: Diagnosisو,presumptive,probable, positive signs and changes

Psychological and Physiologic Changes during Pregnancy

Danger Signs of Pregnancy

Labor and delivery: Preparation for labor; Intrapartal period

Stages of Labor : 1st ,2nd,3rd stages and post partal period

Principles on the Immediate care of the newborn

Apgar scoring and newborn screening Demonstration